Operations Network

Best Practices in Philanthropy and How They Are the Same in Any Size YMCA (YNAN, Mid Major, Small/Midsize) 

Alison Hansen, Chief Advancement Officer, YMCA of Greater Cincinnati 
Morgan Montgomery, VP of Financial Development, YMCA Cass and Clay Counties 
Shannon Rauen, Director of Development, YMCA of Pikes Peak

10.13.2022 - Recording      Slide Deck      Network Sponsor: Reclique CORE

The Anti-Racist Y: Sustaining the Work for the Long Haul

NAYDO International/Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Network  

01.19.2022 - Moderator Kevin Trapani; Panelists Sara Cole, Duluth Area Family YMCA; Gary Cobbs, YMCA of Greater Montgomery; Steve Ives, YMCA of Greater Houston
Recording      Network Sponsor: The Redwoods Group

NAYDO VIP (Board & Volunteer) Network  

Engaging Your Board in Philanthropy with Cindi Phallen, Create Possibility 

01.18.2022     Slide deck     Recording     Network Sponsor: American City Bureau

NAYDO Network Kickoff - Notes from Breakouts


 10.26.2021   Developments in Development notes

NAYDO Grants Network - Outcomes presentation & discussion


From 5.18.2021. Watch now


MarCom Network Philanthropy Forum

(Discussion at 2021 NAYDO Conference)

Reset ... A Work Day Away

Knowing how much of a challenge the circumstances around the pandemic have affected our staff, our COO, Beth Scheller and I were racking our brains to come up with a way to show appreciation to them but in a meaningful way. In our leadership chats on Zoom calls the word RESET kept coming up. Beth had an idea to give our exempt staff a RESET Day. Not a paid day off, but a day “AWAY” to do something fun for themselves but also to think about their work and maybe some new ways to approach FAB (Friendship, Achievement, Belonging) in their program areas.

We did this for 27 exempt staff during July 2020. No doubt it served several purposes! It made them feel appreciated, gave them a much needed break from the norm (whatever “norm” is anymore) and gave them a chance to breathe! Their response was amazing! Cost: small paper journals (approx. 3”x6”, purchased on Amazon), and $15 cash in each small envelope for staff to buy breakfast or lunch. Total = $430. Not a costly investment for a “refreshed” staff.

ResetYTown - instruction sheet

PowerPoint presentation (used on Zoom call with exempt staff)

RESET DAY Report – list of questions to guide Journal entries for follow-up report

Reset Day Labels: for front of packet envelope, type in names: used 5 ¾ x 8 ¾ invitation envelope.

Reset Journal Labels, type in names

RESET ENJOY labels – for lunch cash ($15)

Packet contents: instruction sheet, Journal, cash envelope, and list of questions they would be expected to report on. Note: Kudos to our friend from the Lake County YMCA, Elaine Bernard, who took our ideas and notes and created awesome graphics! Hang in there everyone and take a minute to breathe, or RESET! Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Marykaye Carlson, Vice President of Advancement, YMCA OF YOUNGSTOWN    
[C] 330.550.4999     [O] 330.742.4797     [E] mcarlson@youngstownymca.org     [W] YMCAyo.org
