February 2024                                                    News from North American YMCA Development Organization   

Message from the NAYDO Chair  


Dear NAYDO Members,

I find that YMCA staff and volunteers are lifelong learners. We’re a curious bunch. We always want to know more … why, how, when, what.

We want to improve our minds (along with our spirits and bodies) which we trust will help in our Y professions. That might include learning new best practices, adopting new technology or becoming a CFRE, Certified Fund Raising Executive. We need to be open to learning!

NAYDO provides three simple learning opportunities. As a NAYDO member, you truly are missing out if you are not participating in these events.

1. Participate in a NAYDO Network. There are 10 of them, loosely based on Y roles, but you can participate in as many as you’d like. You’ll find seasoned Y colleagues who are ready to support you. There are virtual events throughout the year and in-person gatherings at the conference. Networks are a good way to explore career opportunities within the Y.

Networks: Under $4m Associations | Staff New to Leading Y Development | VIPs – Volunteers in Philanthropy Board Members | MarCom | Program & Membership | Under 40 | Camp | Grant Writers | Operations | DEI in Philanthropy

2. Attend monthly webinars. All aspects of philanthropy are covered by Y subject matter experts and outside consultants. Webinars usually are the held the third Thursday of each month, 1:30-2:30 pm Central.

3. Register for the Conference – registration remains open – and take in as much as you can. Meet others. Ask questions. Find presenters, exhibitors, sponsors, and attendees who can help you solve the challenges keeping you awake at night. If you aren’t attending the conference, be sure to access the recordings and handouts when they’re posted on the website in May.

Keep reading for the latest on networks, webinars and the conference. Register today for upcoming events, and please reach out if you need support.

In Y service,
Carolyn Grady, NAYDO Chair
SVP, Chief Development Officer, YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh



February 15, 1:30-2:30 pm Central

Major Gift Best Practices + Current Philanthropy Trends 
Presenters: Meg and Phil George, George Philanthropy Group

Meg + Phil George of consultancy George Philanthropy Group will lead a session around the implementation of major and principal gift best practices and how our country's philanthropy trends advance an organization's reliance on and need for these skills. Meg and Phil will offer tangible takeaways and best-in-class recommendations around the four stages of a major gift solicitation, including real-life donor profiles and example asks, frequently-faced challenges in securing visits and executing on asks.


March 21, 1:30-2:30 pm Central

One Grant to Rule Them All
Steve Conrad, Grant Writer, Valley of the Sun YMCA
Pam Bailey, Senior Director of Fundraising and Public Relations, YMCA of Greater Flint

In this webinar, you will learn how to create one main grant document with all major grant questions that you can use throughout the year for all of your grants. We will cover organization history, program descriptions, need statements, DEI work, sustainability, advocacy, outcomes, logic models, and more. Then, for the rest of the year, you can copy and paste your way to grant success.

What you need: Please have available your most recent written grant for a major program (SAW/swim lessons, childcare, preschool, diabetes prevention, camp, etc.), so you can edit that document in real time while we are in this session together.


NAYDO Webinars qualify for Y-USA Leadership Recertification and CFRE certification credit. Past webinars are posted on the members-only section of the website. Contact Kristen Obaranec, CFRE, if you have trouble locating them. 


Networks are open to all, and there is no limit on what you can participate in. 

NAYDO MarCom Network
February 29, 1-2 pm Central 
Technology for Storytelling

Presenters: Monica Kenney, Director of Donor Relations & Stewardship, YMCA of the North, and Tony Wise, Association VP of PR and Marketing Communications, YMCA of Greater Indianapolis
We share impact stories to drive action in all facets of our work - fundraising, membership, programs, etc. In doing so, we can make our work more relatable, memorable, inspiring, and focused. Storytelling gives brands character, appeal, and relatability that facts and stats simply cannot. However, sometimes it's a struggle to find the stories or creatively showcase them. Join this webinar to hear from two YMCA associations about two different digital platforms that have helped them increase their storytelling and create deeper impacts in their communities. We will learn how these tools help to collect, organize, archive, and share stories to steward donors, better connect them to areas where they are directing their financial support, and build a more connected community.
Network Sponsor: Radar Promotions  

NAYDO Camp Network
March 5, 1 pm Central

Philanthropy Hot Topic Breakout Sessions for Camp Professionals  
Please join us for an All-Camp Call hosted jointly by NAYDO and the Y-USA Camp Cabinet. In advance of the NAYDO conference in April, we will facilitate breakout rooms focused on key hot topics on philanthropy at camp. Please join us for this interactive session to learn and share with your peers. Hot Topics include:
- Social media content creation for Summer Camps fundraising
- Camp Events (Donor Appreciation/Anniversaries/Off-season Alumni & Donor)
- Summer Fundraising Initiatives (Campers & Staff)
Network Sponsor: Campminder  

Mark your calendar and watch for details:
NAYDO Under 40 Network
March 20, 1:30 pm Central

NAYDO CONFERENCE – It’s Not Too Late to Register!

There will be 1,600 people at the NAYDO Conference with 1,400 YMCA staff and board members plus 200 onsite exhibitors. You can still register but limited space remains. All hotel links on NAYDO website have a small supply of rooms available due to cancellations, so give them a try.

Register while you still can! Registration will be closed when seating capacity is reached. That is not a specific date but could happen any time.

Attend by Network to Make Connections Before the Conference

Make the most of your conference experience by attending a brief orientation in advance.
Join one of the virtual orientations to learn important details about the 2024 NAYDO Conference in Denver - what to bring, conference activities, things to do, and more! Plus, you'll meet other attendees before  the conference, so you'll already know some friendly faces when you arrive. The orientation includes a general conference overview and then moves into breakout rooms to meet Network members and learn about specific Network activities at the conference.
Select the orientation by Network, if possible, but choose either one to learn more before you go.

March 26, 2 pm Central
This orientation will have 5 breakout rooms for these Networks:
• Operations
• Staff New to Leading YMCA Development
• Under 40
• Camp
• VIP, Volunteers in Philanthropy/Board Members

March 27, 2pm Central
This orientation will have 5 breakout rooms for these Networks:
• Grants
• MarCom
• DEI in Philanthropy
• Under $4M YMCAs (formerly Small Y)
• Program & Membership


Donor Relations
Date of a Gift Practical Advice  John Taylor

Do's and Don'ts When Thanking Donors  Bloomerang

Marketing & Communications
5 Mindsets of Consumer Behavior  Kellogg School @ Northwestern University

Professional Development
Reducing Workplace Stress  
Kellogg School @ Northwestern University

eDevelopments Disclaimer  Unless they are NAYDO members, sponsors or exhibitors, the websites, consultants, and other resources cited in these articles and links are not endorsed by NAYDO. The information is provided as food for thought only!