January 31, 2023 News from North American YMCA Development Organization
Message from the NAYDO Chair
Dear NAYDO Members,
I’m looking forward to this year’s NAYDO Conference on YMCA Philanthropy. It’s April 11-14 at the Marriott Marquis Houston. TODAY is the registration deadline! Registration remains open after this date ONLY if space is still available.
Our YMCAs continue to develop new ways to lead annual campaigns, prepare for capital campaigns, reimagine membership and programs, launch planned giving efforts, engage board members, advocate in the community, communicate in new ways, and learn more about all aspects of philanthropy. In 2023, we’re doing it all with fewer staff and resources.
At the conference, you’ll see it come together with Ys of all sizes and serving different communities. You will be engaged and inspired. Be sure to register and join in, so you can continue your professional and personal development.
My term as NAYDO Chair will end with the conference. It’s been a challenging couple of years, but I remain energized by our fellow Y donors, volunteers and staff. This involvement is vital for NAYDO’s and the Y Movement’s futures.
NAYDO is an investment in our collective philanthropic success. We must remain one step ahead to find the resources, tools, tactics, and know-how to meet the changing needs of our communities. Here, we can collaborate and share our successes.
I encourage you to get more involved in NAYDO so you, too, can be richly rewarded with friendships, inspiration, mentors, learning, and fun, along with new tips and tools to raise more money!
In Y service,
Zane Korytko
Chief Executive Officer | Directeur General
YMCA of Greater Moncton| YMCA du Grand Moncton
Plan to attend for practical knowledge, inspiration, training, and connections to meet the critical needs of your community. Don't miss the opportunity while space is still available and the NAYDO Member rate is $775. As of February 1, conference registration remains open at a $825 rate ONLY IF seating capacity has not been reached.
Forward this information to others who may not be NAYDO members and Download Conference Brochure.
Please share it is not too late to join NAYDO or paticipate as a non-member. If YOU are not registered, TODAY is the DAY so ... REGISTER NOW!
• NAYDO HOTEL GUARANTEE: If you are registered and paid in full by the January 31 deadline and do not have a confirmed hotel reservation at the Marriott Marquis, the Westin or Cambria overflow hotels, NAYDO guarantees that anyone on the hotel waiting list on January 31 will get a room at one of those three hotels.
• As of January 31, NAMES on ALL HOTEL REGISTRATIONS must MATCH NAMES in NAYDO CONFERENCE REGISTRATION DATABASE. There should not be multiple hotel reservations under one name at this point.
• If your Y reserved Marriott Marquis HOTEL ROOMS you DO NOT NEED, please DO NOT CANCEL with HOTEL but contact NAYDO Office instead, so these rooms can be used for waiting list.
Recommended Travel Dates:
Note: Easter is Sunday, April 9
Arrival: Travel Monday night, April 10, or Tuesday morning, April 11
Departure: Friday, April 14 or April 15 if you plan on taking the Friday NASA Space Center tour (Tour is sold out; waiting list available)
NAYDO has attendees in 3 hotels: Houston Marriott Marquis, Westin Downtown, and Cambria. Try the overflow Cambria and Westin hotels first but don’t be surprised if they are sold out also and you need to get on the waiting list. NAYDO will book another hotel if necessary but first we need to verify that the rooms at our 3 hotels are reserved by registered conference attendees before doing so.
Hotel Room Waiting List
You must be registered for the conference to get on the hotel waiting list. To get on NAYDO's Waiting List for the Marriott Marquis only OR any hotel opening, email (or call Mary Zoller, 504 858 3379) with:
Your name
Association Name/Company Name if exhibitor
Arrival and Departure Dates
Room: Single or 2-Bed
Email & Phone Number
Specify wait list for Marriott only or OK with any hotel
Conference Events/Headquarters Hotel - SOLD OUT
Marriott Marquis Houston, 1777 Walker St., Houston, TX 77010
NAYDO Rate (single or double): $239 plus tax (approx 18%)
NAYDO Overflow Hotels
Cambria Hotel Downtown Houston Convention Center, 4 blocks from Marriott
1314 Texas Street, Houston, TX 77002
NAYDO Rate (single/double): $229 plus tax
Cambria Reservation Link
Westin Houston Downtown, 1 block from Marriott
1520 Texas Avenue, Houston, TX 77002
NAYDO Rate (single/double): $239 plus tax
Westin Reservation Link
Want to be part of recruiting, reviewing, and selecting the educational track workshops at a NAYDO Conference? 2024 Educational Tracks Chair Andrew Powers has begun his search for next year's Track Deans. Let him know if this is a volunteer role you are interested in or would like to learn more about. The work happens primarily in spring and early summer of 2023. It does not require in-person meetings but does require timely response and coordination with the NAYDO Council Member working alongside you. There is at least one Track Dean for each track. Contact Andy today (585 738 6229)!
Held 1:30-2:30 pm Central
February 16
The Future of Fundraising and Why Change is Critical
Presenter: Lisa Greer, Author, Philanthropist & Nonprofit Advisor
Learn about the journey of a major donor in the nonprofit world. Lisa Greer discusses how organizations and fundraisers can raise more money by using techniques to cultivate deeper and more authentic relationships with existing donors and attract new donors. Lisa will describe how the efficient melding of new tech tools with empathy and gratitude for one’s donors will shape the future of fundraising.
Attendees will learn:
- How to Build a Better Fundraising Future through relationships, useful technology, and other techniques for long term sustainability
- Fundraising & Donor Relationships 101 - Why it’s important to focus on relationships as opposed to transactions
- How to focus on the future major donors - Millennials
>> Register
Chaos to Clarity
Presenter: Damon Colaluca, Colaluca & Associates
Leaders are experiencing a rapidly changing and volatile environment that makes delivering your mission increasingly tricky. Shifting funding priorities, new regulations, political turmoil, volunteer leadership scarcity, rising community needs, increased competition, you name it—the waves of disruption crash against your organization faster and faster. This workshop will give you the mindset, skillset, and toolset to confidently lead your organization in this new reality, no matter what disruptions come your way.
>> Register
By: Erica Halpern, Networks Manager
Participate in as many networks as you want. Simply register in advance. Here is what's coming up:
February 2, 1-2 pm Central
NAYDO Grants Network: Leveraging Public Funding Opportunities
>> Register
Please join the Grants Network as we learn from Paula Wackenheim, OK/AR/LA Alliances of YMCAs, and Fran Talsma, Executive Director, State Alliance of Michigan YMCAs, on how to build partnerships and discuss community benefit to leverage public funding opportunities for your Y. Topics will include identifying alignment between Y initiatives and strategic plans and state agency goals, identifying public and private funding streams, advocacy vs. lobbying, building legislative champions, and preparing for successful meetings with elected officials and agency leadership.
Network Sponsor: Grant Professionals Association
February 8, 1-2 pm Central
NAYDO Operations Network: Is a Recession on the Horizon? An Operator's Playbook for Balancing Resources and Community Need
>> Register
Presenter: Marco Ramirez, Executive Director - Quality and Improvement, YMCA of Greater Cincinnati
Many believe that a global recession is likely sometime in 2023, but no one can predict when it will happen or how severe it may be. What should operators and volunteers expect if we enter into a recession? Should we lower our expectations for fundraising? How do we adjust to meet increasing community needs? We've been through this before. What does the data tell us? What strategies did Ys use to respond to the Great Recession in 2007-2009? Join us as we share real experiences and strategies to help you and your board prepare.
Network Sponsor: Reclique CORE
February 14, 1-2 pm Central
Camp Network: Philanthropy Hot Topic Breakout Sessions for Camp Professionals
>> Register
Join an All-Camp Call hosted jointly by NAYDO and Y-USA Camp Cabinet. In this interactive session, you will choose multiple breakout rooms facilitated by fellow camp colleagues to discuss best practices and new ideas to improve your 2023 philanthropic goals:
• The Role of Social Media in Reaching Different Generations for Camp
• Recruiting Camp Alumni to Tell Their Stories & Make the Ask
• Educating Camp Families & Converting Them to Donors
• Working with Seasonal Camp Staff to Understand the “Why” & Spread the Message
Network Sponsor: CampDoc
February 22, 1-2 pm Central
NAYDO Program and Membership Network Webinar: Onboarding Annual Campaign Volunteers
>> Register
Recruiting and onboarding effective annual campaign volunteers is the first step to running a successful campaign. Join the Membership and Program Network for an entertaining and educational panel discussion with seasoned YMCA fundraising professionals.
Network Sponsor: Startup Smartup
February 23, 3-4 pm Central
NAYDO Young Professionals Network: Your Story Is a Gift
>> Register
Presenter: Cole McLaughlin, VP Planned Giving and Endowment, YMCA of the Triangle
Description: One of the most valuable things you have to offer the Y—and the world—is your story. A personal story told truly and genuinely inspires others and deepens relationships. But telling your story well has a cost: it requires you to be vulnerable and authentic. During this webinar, Cole will tell some of his story and help you think about your own.
Network Sponsor: Colaluca & Associates
February 27, 1-2 pm Central
NAYDO MarCom Network: YMCA of the Okobojis "Igniting a Healthy Legacy" Capital Campaign
>> Register
Presenters: Cindy Rosa, Sr. Director of Development & Engagement, and Kyle Struve, Communications Director, YMCA of the Okobojis
Join us as we learn from leaders at the YMCA of the Okobojis about their "Igniting a Healthy Legacy" Capital Campaign. We will review their campaign materials, which earned them a 2022 NAYDO Communications Award, and the effective and impactful communications strategies they used to achieve their fundraising and philanthropic goals.
Network Sponsor: Radar Promotions
March 1, 1-2 pm Central
NAYDO DEI Network Webinar: Making Your Mark Where it Matters Most
>> Register
Presenter: Robin Jordan-Repokis, Senior Consultant, DBD Group
Working in under-resourced communities requires a special skill, exceptional commitment, and remarkable creativity. There’s never enough resources—dollars, people, or time in the day(!)—to meet all of the needs, but you faithfully sign up to do the work each day. In a community where cash resources are sparse, YMCA leaders still must raise dollars to meet the tremendous needs in the community and ensure the continuity of the Y’s mission. This session will focus on how leaders in under-resourced YMCA communities can be successful fundraisers while positioning themselves for career progression and for being true change agents for their local Ys.
Network Sponsor: The Redwoods Group
Amazon Smile charitable donation program ending Feb 20 USA Today
Legacy IRA Act becomes law - 2023 federal law changes that affect fundraising PG Calc
eDevelopments Disclaimer Unless they are NAYDO members, sponsors or exhibitors, the websites, consultants, and other resources cited in these articles and links are not endorsed by NAYDO. The information is provided as food for thought only!