December 2023   News from North American YMCA Development Organization   

Message from the NAYDO Chair  


This year, NAYDO has benefited from the enormous power of our united commitment to inspire and strengthen the philanthropic culture of the YMCA. Heartfelt thanks to each NAYDO member, Council member, conference volunteer, presenter, sponsor, and leader.

NAYDO colleagues provide collective thoughtful leadership, deep commitment and a desire to serve and to learn. I am grateful for your gifts of passion, time, and talent. Thank you for sharing your experience, ideas, and successes with NAYDO.

 We unite around a common sense of purpose and a desire to make the world a better place. May the spirit of this joyous season find a renewed expression through our actions during the coming year.    

Encourage youth. Seek out a friend or neighbor who is alone. Donate to a cause close to your heart. Listen. Be kind and gentle. Express your gratitude. Forgive. Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of our earth. Your actions, no matter how small, can make a big difference. 

From the NAYDO Council and staff, we wish you moments of peace and wonder as you celebrate the season and new year.

With gratitude,

Carolyn Grady, NAYDO Chair
SVP, Chief Development Officer, YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh

Member Rates Go Up December 7 - Register Now!


NAYDO Communications Awards
The NAYDO Communication Awards provide a chance for member YMCAs of all sizes to submit entries for: 

The Strategic Communications Excellence Awards recognize exemplary YMCAs that have developed multi-faceted communications campaigns designed to inform, educate, or persuade specific audiences about the Y’s cause, impact, or an initiative. Awards are given to small, mid-size and large Ys in these categories:

• Best Overall Campaign Excellence  

• Communications for Inclusion 

• Philanthropic Communications 

• Small Budget Star 

The Cause Communicator of the Year recognizes a YMCA leader's efforts to inform, educate and engage their team, volunteers, donors and/or community. Often a CEO, Board Chair, Volunteer, or Branch Executive, this person clearly articulates a vision that inspires and motivates others.

Eagle Award for Excellence in Fundraising
The Eagle Award is presented annually to YMCA Associations that have demonstrated outstanding achievement in YMCA philanthropy. Because there are budget size categories, more than one Y can win each year. If your YMCA received the Eagle Award prior to 2019, your Y is eligible to reapply providing details of your more recent accomplishments. Learn more. Submit the nomination form by December 6 to Eagle Award Chair Zane Korytko.

Young Professionals Class of 2024
If you have not participated in a previous class and are 31 or younger by August 31, 2024, consider joining this upcoming class. More information, including the application form, can be found here: NAYDO Young Professionals Class 2024 Information

The completed form including a supervisor's recommendation must be submitted by December 6. The program offers an exceptional conference experience focused on networking, professional development and mentoring. Don't miss this opportunity!

If you are a YPP alumni or above the age limit, recommend the program to a colleague attending NAYDO who meets the criteria. Lift up young professionals on your team and offer them professional development opportunities!

Financial Assistance Applications

December 6 is the deadline for completing both parts of the financial assistance application process: 1. Register for the conference and pay the $50 Financial Assistance Applicant Rate 2. Complete the Financial Assistance Application Form. Applicants will be notified of their status by January 4, 2024. For questions, contact Mary Zoller, 504 858 3379 or

Members-Only Lowest Rate through October 30

New to NAYDO? Here are a few things you should be aware of about conference registration:
1. The lowest rate of $775 is only AVAILABLE NOW through October 30, so make the most of that membership and choose the paid in full option
2. Second lowest rate of $800 is also available now through October 30 with a $100 deposit per person paid at this time, leaving you a $700 balance due in January 2024.
3. If you are applying for financial assistance, please complete the financial assistance application form and register for the conference at the financial assistance rate of $50.
4. Book hotel rooms NOW. Gaylord is sold out, and a fourth overflow has been added. It is located near the other 3 overflows, and the NAYDO shuttle will pick up and drop off there. Sign up for the shuttle on the conference registration form: $50 flat rate for the 3 days.

Courtyard by Marriott Denver Airport | Room rate $193/night plus approx. 15% tax 
Reservations Link: Marriott Courtyard Denver     
On page 2 of the Conference Brochure, refer to the Quick Links for easy access to to register, access the latest hotel information, the award entry forms, and the financial assistance application form.

Does your staff team include  a young professionals who will be 32 years of age or younger by August 31, 2024?  Consider the Young Professionals Class of 2024. The link for the application can also be found on page 2. There is no additional charge but there are some special sessions to attend during the conference along with other unique networking and learning opportunities.

Register for NAYDO 2024 today. Over 200 people already have!

NAYDO 2024 Conference Brochure


Welcome to DBD Group, our new sponsor of the webinar series!

December 5, 1:30-2:30 pm Central
Be a #YAdvocate: How Advocacy Can Help Advance Your Fundraising Goals
General advocacy information for all; specific U.S. federal funding info included
Kelly Kennai, Senior Director, Communications & Advocacy Engagement
Elena Rocha, Senior Director, Youth Development Partnership and Policy
Katie Adamson, Vice President, Health Partnerships & Policy
YMCA of the USA Government Relations and Policy
>> Register  

Don't forget: NAYDO Webinars qualify for Y-USA Leadership Recertification and CFRE certification credit. Past webinars are posted on the members-only section of the website. Contact Kristen Obaranec, CFRE, if you have trouble locating them. 


 Networks are open to all, and there is no limit on what you can participate in. 

 December 8, 1 pm Central

VIP Network - Volunteers in Philanthropy
Sponsor: American City Bureau
Back to Basics - Engaging Volunteers in Your Annual Campaign Plan
This network event will provide you with insight into the fundamentals of running a best practices Annual Campaign. From the overall mission of the Annual Campaign to the mechanics of fundraising, you will leave with tips and tricks on how to be successful in your first couple of years supporting the Annual Campaign at your association.
Presenter: Courtney Cordero, Vice President of Development, YMCA of San Diego County
>> Register

December 13, 1 pm Central  
Operations Network
Sponsor: The Appreciation Company
Cultivation of Donors at ALL LEVELS through Appreciation
Join this webinar to learn how to cultivate your donors at all levels through appreciation. You'll leave with an understanding of how to create: 
- Enhanced Loyalty 
- Increased Giving  
- Positive Reputation  
Presenter: Neil Beam - Founder, The Appreciation Company
>> Register

January 23, 2024, 1 pm Central
Program and Membership Network
Sponsor: Startup Smartup   
Creating Equity and Opening New Revenue Streams with Arts Programming
Is your Y currently offering after school and summer arts programming? If yes, learn how to open up new funding streams available through grants and other funding to support those programs. If not, then learn how to add engaging arts experiences to your YMCA programming. We will discuss how arts programming can build equity at your Y, making programs available to underserved youth while providing competitive wages to staff.
Presenter: Steve Conrad - Director of Grants, Valley of the Sun YMCA
>> Register


YMCA of the Rockies is offering a mountain experience with lodging and activities for attendees April 1 with an April 3 departure, conference opening day. Or, post-conference stays are available April 6-7 at a special rate that includes a paid activity voucher. YMCA of the Rockies' Estes Park Center is 1.5 hours northwest of Gaylord Rockies and is adjacent to Rocky Mountain National Park. Check out YMCA of the Rockies online. To book your stay, call 888-613-9622 and say you are with NAYDO. Or, contact NAYDO Council Member Carrie Rossman for more details. Don't miss out on a great experience!

eDevelopments Disclaimer  Unless they are NAYDO members, sponsors or exhibitors, the websites, consultants, and other resources cited in these articles and links are not endorsed by NAYDO. The information is provided as food for thought only!