News & updates from North American YMCA Development Organization    October 2020


Message from the NAYDO Chair

Dear NAYDO Members, 

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on how COVID-19 has refined my thinking about donors. Before, I might have been more focused on asking for a specific program or project. Now, I am inviting donors to join in deeper conversations about our future, our role, and our mission in light of COVID, which creates a different experience for them and for me. It’s a partnership and long-term investment, not a financial transaction. A donor’s engagement with the YMCA mission, vision, and vitality is key, and this is what changes their giving experience.

The same holds true for NAYDO. We invite Y staff and volunteers to join, but what we really want is for each person to engage. To be active, not passive. To share and reach out. To get involved, not wait for someone else to say ‘yes’ to an invitation.

When our members understand that the time they invest in NAYDO connects them more deeply to the Y’s mission – and to their staff, board members, donors, volunteers, members, and other stakeholders – their experience changes. When you feel you belong, are helping, and have meaningful connections, you want to do more to support the mission.

NAYDO is one pursuit where I am renewed and reenergized. I get outside my daily job, my problems, and my challenges. I am inspired by the work we accomplish together. I realize how vital this involvement is for NAYDO’s future and the Y’s future.

I invite and encourage you to get more involved in NAYDO. We are sensitive to the year’s furloughs, layoffs, and budget cuts. We will work with you to keep you involved. Contact Mary Zoller to find a workable solution, 504.464.7845 or

NAYDO is an investment in our collective financial development success. We must continue to find the resources, tools, tactics, and know-how to meet the needs of our communities. Let’s collaborate and share our successes. Together, let’s partner and invest in NAYDO.

Yours in Y service,

Shelly McTighe-Rippengale
YMCA of San Diego County
Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer
NAYDO Council Chair


17,572 singers from 129 countries come together to perform Eric Whitacre's "Sing Gently." 

Thursday, October 15, 1:30 p.m. Central

How to Engage Donors and Ask for Major Gifts in a Post-COVID World

Presenter: Amy Eisenstein, ACFRE

Amy is back with another powerful learning opportunity! Join fundraising expert Amy Eisenstein as she leads a discussion on raising funds through the COVID-19 crisis. Develop the strongest case for support for your Y right now. And, learn how to solicit major gifts virtually and in-person, as well as what you need to be doing right now to ensure a strong year-end campaign.   


NAYDO 2021 
Imagining Conferences - Part 3 of an eDevelopments Series

By Mary Zoller, NAYDO Operations and Conference Director

This is the third in a series of articles related to changes to the NAYDO Conference as a result of the pandemic. Networking is second only to workshops as the reason YMCA staff and volunteers attend the NAYDO Conference. Though networking can happen virtually, nothing can really replace the spirit of an in-person networking opportunity. Accepting that fact, the challenge then becomes how can we expand networking opportunities virtually so they address the need? What does networking look like in a world where social distancing is a priority?

While there are other specific networking activities that will be introduced at the NAYDO 2021 Virtual Conference, the focus of this article is on the NAYDO Networks established in 2017 for the groups you see below, although some of them have been operating for much longer.

Traditionally, NAYDO Networks at the conference have held a Power Hour event on the first day to get acquainted and a Philanthropy Forum on the last day to focus on implementing what’s been learned and making recommendations for the future. At NAYDO 2021, that tradition will continue with a slightly different twist.

Tuesday’s Power Hour will include Hot Topics that are network specific so networks can get acquainted while discussing issues unique to them. There will be two rounds, so attendees can participate in two Networks instead of just one as they did in the past. On Thursday, the Philanthropy Forum will be a 45-minute discussion session on what network members need/want more of specifically for their network. Is it webinars, social events, question and answer sessions, or something entirely different?

But, what about the NAYDO Members and Virtual Training Subscribers who don’t attend the conference?

Networks have been expanded to include three year-round events, so there are opportunities for anyone involved in NAYDO to sign up for any number of networks and their quarterly activities. The NAYDO year runs September 2020 to August 2021. We are pleased to announce the network kickoff events planned for this fall. Each network will hold a winter event and a summer event with the conference activities in the spring.

Bottom line: We may not be able to create the same feeling virtually as you experience in person. But, we can create more opportunities and schedule them more frequently for you to meet others with whom you share job titles, work challenges, and interests.

To take advantage of these network activities, which are a benefit your Y has already paid for, use the link provided to sign up for the fall events. To get a specific network added to your record (if you did not already sign up), so you will get future event invitations, reply to this email or use this link to MODIFY your record and add it yourself.

For more information on Networks, contact the NAYDO Office or Erica Halpern, NAYDO Networks Coordinator.

Upcoming Network Kickoff Events

To take advantage of these network activities, which are a benefit your Y has already paid for, use the links provided to register for the fall events. To get a specific network added to your record (if you did not already sign up), so you will get future event invitations, reply to this email or use this link to MODIFY your record and add it yourself.

Camping Professionals Network

Oct. 22, 12 pm Pacific/2 pm Central/3 pm Eastern

Join in the first virtual campfire gathering with a discussion moderated by Mike Bussey and Anne Derber of DBD Group that will focus on camping challenges and successes over the last six months and current fundraising opportunities.
Sponsor: CampMinder


Grant Writers Network
Oct. 14, 12 pm Pacific/2 pm Central/3 pm Eastern

Grants have become more important than ever in 2020. Connect with others who share that same responsibility.
Sponsor: Grant Professionals Association

Marketing & Communications Professionals Network
Nov. 5, 10:30 am Pacific/12:30 pm Central/1:30 pm Eastern

Join Ligia Peña to learn about Applying Decision Science in Legacy Marketing. Legacy giving is immensely different to campaign giving - it requires thought, lots of time and technical skills. So how do you make it as easy as possible for your donors to consider pledging a gift in a will? What decision science nudges can you use to help them along the decision-making process? You’ll learn the fundamentals of decision science, how people make decisions, and how to transform your appeals and secure pledges.

Better yet, Ligia will review your legacy marketing pieces in advance. On the webinar, she will discuss how many of the principles were used and where they could have been used. Send a link or pdf of your collateral by Oct. 22 to  
Sponsor: Lucidpress

Operations Staff Network - Branch EDs, Associate EDs, Centre Directors, COOs, VPs
Oct. 29, 11 am Pacific/1pm Central/2 pm Eastern

Y Operations have been turned upside down in 2020 due to the pandemic and you are at the center of making things work in this new environment but you are not alone. Get connected to other operators in this network orientation event.
Sponsor: Gro

Program and Membership Staff Network
Oct. 28, 11 am Pacific, 1 pm Central/2 pm Eastern

NAYDO's Program and Membership Network will host a hot topic kickoff session on October 28 at 1 pm Central. Our theme for the year is Impact and Purpose Reimagined. The topic for our first hot topic will be Recognizing Impact in Programs and Membership. Since the event is a kickoff, we are asking everyone attending to wear your favorite football team’s gear and plan to help us kickoff NAYDO’s 40th anniversary celebration!
Sponsor: PowerUp Fitness

Smaller Ys (<$4M)
Oct. 22, 10:30 am Pacific/12:30 pm Central/1:30 pm Eastern

Small Ys are doing some amazing work during this pandemic. Connect with others from YMCAs with budgets under $4M to share stories and get acquainted.

Staff New to YMCA Development
Oct. 14, 10 am Pacific/12 pm Central/1 pm Eastern

New to YMCA development and new to fundraising during a pandemic - what a combination! Feel better by participating with others in your situation.


Volunteer in Philanthropy (VIP) - 
Board Members/Fundraising Volunteers

Thursday, Dec 3, 11 am Pacific/1 pm Central/2 pm Eastern   

Board Members - Are you struggling to participate in fundraising in 2020? Join Kelly Velasquez-Hague and Jenna Jameson for Ambassador Fundraising in a Virtual World. We’ll discuss how to engage through social fundraising. Ambassador Fundraising turns loyal supporters into active fundraisers through peer fundraising in conjunction with any type of event or campaign to drive awareness, sponsorships, and/or donations.  

Young Professionals - 
Y Staff and Board under age 40

Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1 pm Pacific/3 pm Central/4 pm Eastern

Remember this network is for both staff and board members under age 40 and we’re not checking IDs. We did an Under 40 social event at NAYDO 2019 and had several planned for NAYDO 2020 but this is really the start of a new expanded network. 


Don’t forget! The Young Professionals Class of 2021, a program under this network, is open for applications for staff ages 31 and under. More information and the application are on the YPP website page.

For more information on Networks, contact the NAYDO Office or Erica Halpern, NAYDO Networks Coordinator.

NAYDO Conference Brochure Available NOW

If you are receiving this issue of eDevelopments, you should have received the digital NAYDO Conference Brochure-Introductory Edition and an email survey on the likelihood of you participating in NAYDO 2021. Those who replied received a chance on a FREE 2021 Conference Registration and the WINNER is: Patty Tchoryk of the Youngstown YMCA. Congratulations, Patty!  

You could be the winner of a free registration, also. Be one of the first 40 to register for the Conference, and you'll be entered into a drawing for one free registration. Registration opens Oct. 30 and $50 can hold your spot!

The brochure is on the website, or reply to this email to request a copy. NOTE: The 2021 workshop schedule will be posted in mid-October. Conference Registration opens October 30 and $50 can hold your spot! Prior to that date, you can expect to receive the Conference Brochure-Registration Edition which will include the online registration link and the workshop topics. 

REMEMBER: If you have anyone at your Y who is not currently receiving NAYDO information and you want them to get the digital conference brochure, forward this link for them to get on your roster:

No one who was in the membership database in March 2020 was automatically moved to the new database which was launched in mid-August. Association Members have paid to allow an unlimited number of staff and volunteers to enjoy NAYDO benefits but each person needs to activate their benefits using the link above. Don’t delay!

Tips and Tactics  

Annual Campaign
Need a donor story form? 
Use this tool to interview donors and collect the right information. Very few will say no to you if done right. Your major roadblock will be their time (people are busy!) and lack of confidence to write good copy. Download the word document.

Strategic Planning  
Joan Garry provides tips to improve your strategic planning.
Here's a bonus from Joan about board development ... because the board you have is the board you build.

Donor Relations
What to do when donors go dark, from Donor Relations Guru Lynne Wester

 How to Thank Donors During a Crisis provides some good pointers. From The Chronicle of Philanthropy.

Fundraising Strategies
A 13-item checklist to move off the back burner. From Claire Alexrad of Bloomerang.

2021 DBD Virtual Annual Giving Academy: a 12-Month Financial Development Plan  
Time and resources are tight, but your mission needs funding more than ever. This year, DBD Group adapted its annual giving tool kit to help Ys connect with donors and raise funds for critical mission work. DBD is bringing the best learnings from the 2020 Academy into 2021 with a 12-month DBD Virtual Annual Giving Academy focused on Major Gifts, Annual Giving and Radical Stewardship.


We learned innovative ways to educate and ask our donors and community for their support. It’s very helpful to see the samples from other Ys and receive extra support to implement new fundraising ideas. Our development and management teams benefited from the Academy, and it’s a great way to get other Y staff involved in development. I highly recommend the DBD Virtual Annual Giving Academy to anyone looking for fresh fundraising ideas in a supportive team environment.”     Tracy Diehl, Relationship Development Director, Whatcom Family YMCA Bellingham, Wash.

Learn more.

eDevelopments Disclaimer
Unless they are NAYDO members, sponsors or exhibitors, the websites, consultants and other resources cited in these articles and links are not endorsed by NAYDO. The information is provided as food for thought only!

Have an accomplishment or inspirational Y story to share? Contact Kristen Obaranec.