News and updates from North American YMCA Development Organization                                    October 2019

Message from the NAYDO Chair

The Three Rs of the Annual Campaign

Dear NAYDO Members,  

Just like a balanced budget, effective programs, and staff who “get it,” the Annual Campaign is fundamental to every Y’s success. The relationships developed during the campaign, the opportunity to share the work of your Y, and the demonstrated impact of the Y to meet community needs are the foundations of any Y.

Because it features positive results and personal success, the Annual Campaign can bolster your position as a nonprofit that is solving community issues. So, don’t approach your campaign with dread. Look forward to empowering volunteers and staff to enthusiastically share the mission, values, and heart and soul of the Y.

The original 3 Rs are the basic skills taught in school: reading, writing, and arithmetic. I like to keep it just as simple with the Annual Campaign. Here are my 3 Rs:

1. Ready
2. Relationships
3. Repeat

READY is first! Planning is the most important step in our campaign here at the YMCA of San Diego County. We spend ten months of the year preparing and two months in the community campaign. Recruiting the right people for the right roles, then training them to do those jobs is the key. Timelines, milestones and metrics, celebrations along with way, evaluations, and lots of thank yous are also important parts of the planning process.

RELATIONSHIP building throughout the year with members, donors, vendors, supporters, businesses, and neighbors is the responsibility of every staff member and volunteer. Then, when they make a face-to-face ask, it’s genuine and heartfelt, not a cold call on someone they don’t know. And yes, face to face is the most effective, most personal, and most impactful way to ask for someone’s meaningful support.

REPEAT (tweaking as necessary) your year-round campaign plan. Include your key case for support messages into all programs and services, your conversations at the grocery store, business meetings, and neighborhood gatherings. You know what’s special about your Y: share it, and others will be honored to be invited to be part of such a great organization.

All the best with your 2020 Annual Campaign!

Shelly McTighe-Rippengale

NAYDO Council Chair
Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer
YMCA of San Diego County

October 24 Webinar - Annual Campaign track
Planning your 2020 Campaign? Register today. 

 Energizing Your Annual Campaign: Steps to Take All Year Long

Marcy Heim, CFRE  
It's time to rethink the annual campaign. From the second you meet to pick a campaign theme to the last celebration for going over the goal, what steps can you take to maximize the delight of your donors to invest in the Y? How do you empower your board and staff to see themselves as ambassadors for the mission of the Y and jump in the engage, inspire and even ask for support during the annual campaign and throughout the year? Marcy will show you how to think about the Annual Campaign differently, have specific steps to implement throughout the year, introduce specific major giving projects as part of the Annual Campaign and engage the board in all phases with givers, not just the ask.

Targeted Audiences:
SFD: Seasoned Financial Development Staff          EX: Executive Directors, CEOs, COOs
MC: Marketing and Communications Staff             BD: Board Members
PM: Program and Membership Directors                FV: Fundraising Volunteers
SMY: Small and Mid-Size YMCAs


Register now!

Check out the new webinar schedule through June 2020. It's a great lineup of topics and speakers.  
Thank you, Daxko, NAYDO Webinar Series sponsor.

Annual Campaign Success Nuggets
How an Award-Winning Y Doubled Its Annual Giving in Three Years

The YMCA of Greater Spartanburg in South Carolina received NAYDO’s Eagle Award for Fundraising Excellence in 2017. They doubled their Annual Giving in the past three years.
Budget category: $4-8m
Annual Campaign progress: 2004 – 92 donors; $20,401
2015 – 674 donors; $211,693

                                         2019 – 1,065 donors; $515,437

You may be asking – what contributed to this remarkable success? Let them tell you! Cassie Lloyd, director of mission advancement, and Rick Callebs, CEO, laid it out in a 2019 NAYDO Conference workshop. Here are their 12 nuggets:
• Be a storyteller
• Successful operations are necessary for successful fundraising
• Measure what you give out in scholarships and free programs
• Hold staff accountable
• Make your campaign volunteer-led and staff driven
• Follow best practices for your plan, structure, goals, systematic prospecting
• Dream big and set ambitious goals
• Invest in donor recognition and year-round stewardship
• Train board members, campaigners and staff
• Involve staff and volunteers in NAYDO
• Transform your culture
• Don’t ask for money! Ask people to do something extraordinary for someone.

Listen to the recording of their presentation and access the slide deck. Spartanburg went from worst to first, and you can, too!

If you're within driving distance of Detroit, this is especially for you!
October 30 in Detroit, Michigan

NAYDO Academy is a one-day annual campaign training for board members, fundraising volunteers, branch staff leadership, frontline and admin staff. 

Gain knowledge, be inspired & network • 9 Workshops • 2 Keynotes • Lunch

Hosted by the YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit. View schedule, workshop descriptions and presenter bios. Register through Oct. 25. NAYDO member rate: $105. More info

NAYDO Academy is underwritten in part by the NAYDO Speakers Network sponsored by
YMCA of the USA Financial Development. 

Plan now for NAYDO 2020 near Washington, D.C.  

2020 NAYDO Conference | April 1-4
Making Philanthropy a Monumental Experience

Members-only registration ends Oct. 31. These are the lowest conference rates! Rates go up Nov. 1.
Register for the Conference. Pay in full or make a $100 deposit now.
• Make your hotel reservations now. Tuesday night is almost sold out.

Apply now for: 
NAYDO Young Professionals program, for YMCA staff age 31 or younger 
Eagle Award or Communications Contest  
Financial Assistance for the Conference

New and Noteworthy

Congrats to Our Newest NAYDO CFRE
Chad Jansen, Director of Development, YMCA of Greater Kansas City 

Fond Farewell
We thank Alexis Lux, CFRE, VP Financial Development, YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City, for her extraordinary NAYDO service! She now is the Executive Director of the Center for Children and Families in Norman, Oklahoma. The center is a Boys & Girls Club affiliate and provides trauma counseling to children and families.

Welcome to the NAYDO Council
Suzanne Green, VP Operations with The Y in Central Maryland, is our newest Council Member. Currently, Suzanne serves as the NAYDO 2020 Sponsor and Exhibitor Committee Chair.

New Conference Role
NAYDO Council Member Gloria Price, VP of Development, YMCA of Metropolitan Denver,
is the new NAYDO 2020 Educational Tracks Chair.

New NAYDO Association Members
Ashland Family YMCA, Oregon
Baker County YMCA, Oregon
Cape Breton YMCA, Nova Scotia
Chambersburg Memorial YMCA, Pennsylvania
Magic Valley YMCA, Idaho
Mesabi Family YMCA, Minnesota
YMCA of Burbank, California

YMCA of Cass and Clay Counties, North Dakota
YMCA of the Prairie, Nebraska