A newsletter from North American YMCA Development Organization Volume 33 | Number 2 | June 2019
by Jim Mellor, Donor By Design Group senior consultant
Capital development is the physical embodiment of your Y's strategic vision. This calls on you to consider all areas of your organization as you prepare and plan.
Ask these questions as you assess your capital expansion:
1. What is your project vision?
2. What is the compelling cause in your community?
3. What is your case for support?
4. How do you bridge the difference between what is needed for the project versus what can be secured through philanthropy and partnerships?
5. How can your finance staff and volunteers assist in providing a funding source?
Get the details to these questions by listening to Jim's 2019 Conference workshop recording. He's joined by financial development expert Robyn Furness-Fallin, former NAYDO Chair and past Eagle Award recipient, and Dan Pile, President & CEO of the YMCA of Greater Birmingham, whose current capital campaign provides the lessons learned.
Message from the NAYDO Chair
Dear NAYDO Members,
Planning is an essential part of success. And anyone who knows me understands I am a PLANNER! Whether at work, home, or a NAYDO meeting, I keep in mind that a goal without a plan is just a wish.
This is especially true of the annual NAYDO Conference. Under the leadership of Mary Zoller, conference and operations director, we have a detailed planning calendar and get to work on the next conference before the current one even finishes.
Congratulations to the YMCA of Greater Indianapolis, our 2019 Host Y, for a job well done. I'd like to express my appreciation also to the hundreds of others, including workshop hosts, conveners, presenters, and committee members who were onsite volunteers.
And now we are on to 2020. We just completed the day-long planning session and NAYDO Council meeting at the conference site, National Harbor Gaylord Resort and Conference Center. A lot of preparation went into both, and there is much work to be done. Our planning process continues to guide us toward our mission of inspiring and strengthening the philanthropic culture of the Y.
Back home at my Y, the YMCA of San Diego County, almost 500,000 people participate in our programs or use Y services — that's one in every eight San Diegans. But our communities are continually evolving and facing new challenges every day. That's why we intend to double our impact by 2025. We are planning to build new full-service YMCA facilities, and many of our existing facilities are scheduled to be enhanced and improved to better serve their communities. Much thought, time, and effort went into the plan to fund these improvements and expansions, and now we are busy working the plan.
NAYDO provides many resources to Ys considering a campaign or in the midst of one. Webinars, podcasts, past conference recordings, and the staff and volunteers you meet at NAYDO Conferences and Academies are resources you can access anytime. Be sure to take full advantage of your membership … and let me know if I can share any lessons I've learned along the way.
Shelly McTighe-Rippengale
NAYDO Council Chair
Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer
YMCA of San Diego County
Eagle Award for Excellence in Fundraising
Somerset County YMCA, New Jersey
John McManus, Board Chair
Kelly Castro, Chief Development Officer
David Carcieri, President & CEO
>>> Watch the Eagle video
Communications Contest
Philanthropic Communications Showcase
Saratoga Regional YMCA, N.Y.
Allison D'Antonio, Strategy and Development Director
Mike Miakisz, Marketing and Communications Director
YMCA of the Triangle, N.C.
Bruce Ham, Chief Development Officer
Matt Strickland, VP of Financial Development
Alexis Trell, Associate Director of Financial Development
YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City, Okla.
Rachel Klein, APR, VP of Communications
Alexis Lux, CFRE, VP of Financial Development
Strategic Communications Campaign
YMCA of Greater Richmond, Va.
Andrea Bryant, Graphic Designer
Beth Davis, Creative Director
Charlotte Dean, Director of Marketing and Communications
YMCA of Greater Seattle, Wash.
Vivian Shannon, SVP, Chief Development Officer
Alonda Williams, SVP, Chief Marketing Officer
>>>Watch the Communications videos
NAYDO 2020 is in Washington, D.C.
2020 NAYDO Conference | April 1-4
Making Philanthropy a Monumental Experience
Make your hotel reservations now
Member-only registration begins September 16. Applications will be on the website, naydo.org, starting 9/16, for:
If you are age 31 or younger, consider applying for the NAYDO Young Professionals Program.
Nominate your Y for the Eagle Award or Communications Contest. Deadline: Dec. 4
Learn about NAYDO Financial Assistance for Membership or the Conference
Attending General Assembly?
Newly-Elected NAYDO Council Member
New NAYDO Staff Member
Kristen Obaranec, CFRE, is NAYDO's Year-Round Learning Coordinator.