News & updates from North American YMCA Development Organization December 2020
Message from the NAYDO Chair
Dear NAYDO Members,
Like me, many YMCA development colleagues are Type A personalities: we like to plan and be in control of what is happening in our world. Gone, for now, are the days when I could develop and stick to a plan, create a timeline, schedule meetings in advance, or gather for department meetings.
2020 has taught me to think about the future and what I need to do―without committing to a start or end date. And while I often feel I am out there on my own, I know I have NAYDO as a much-needed resource, network, and support group to keep me motivated and on track.
I honestly believe Y staff, volunteers, and associations need NAYDO now more than ever before. We need collective solutions to our pandemic challenges. NAYDO is responding with relevant networks, webinars, Academies and Fundamentals, and a well-planned 2021 Virtual Conference.
Be sure to stay engaged with NAYDO as a member and virtual participant. I am finding new connections and creative ideas on network calls and webinars. I am sure you will find the same. Plan now, including budgeting, for the NAYDO 2021 Virtual Conference. You’ll connect, network, learn, share, and have fun. It will make a difference for you, your staff and volunteers, your Y, and the Y Movement.
Happy holidays. Join me in moving forward in 2021.
Yours in Y service,
Shelly McTighe-Rippengale
YMCA of San Diego County
Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer
NAYDO Council Chair
Special Webinar Thursday, Dec. 3 - It's not too late to register!
The Volunteer in Philanthropy (VIP) Network invites you to join in Ambassador Fundraising in a Virtual World.
Thursday, Dec. 3, 11 am Pacific/1 pm Central/2 pm Eastern
Board Members - Are you struggling to participate in fundraising in 2020? Staff members - Are you struggling to get board members involved in fundraising? Join Kelly Velasquez-Hague and Jenna Jameson from OneCause. We’ll discuss how to engage through social fundraising. Ambassador Fundraising turns loyal supporters into active fundraisers through peer fundraising in conjunction with any type of event or campaign to drive awareness, sponsorships, and/or donations.
>> Register by 12:45 pm CST Thursday
NAYDO 2021
By Mary Zoller, NAYDO Operations and Conference Director
Hopefully, you already have seen the BROCHURE with all the program details. The pandemic resulted in local YMCAs creating all kinds of new ideas and virtual ways to manage annual campaigns, restart capital campaigns, reconfigure what membership looks like, launch renewed efforts to secure planned gifts, engage board members, communicate in new ways with new community partners, and learn more about government grants ‒ all with fewer staff. NAYDO 2021 is where you will become aware of how all these aspects of fundraising are happening in Ys of all sizes, serving all different types of communities.
Did you know December is the last month you can register for the 2021 NAYDO Virtual Conference with just a deposit of $50? Beginning in January, only the pay in full option will be available. Registration deadline for lowest prices is February 1, so don’t miss out!
In December, you have these options:
Association Member Pay in Full: $200
Association Member Pay $50 Deposit Now & $200 by February 1
Virtual Training Subscriber Pay in Full: $250
Virtual Training Subscriber Pay $50 Deposit Now & $250 by February 1
In January, you have the Pay in Full option at the rates above. Late Fees go into effect February 2.
NAYDO guarantees that you will get more in donations than you invest in this registration fee … not to mention the morale boost it can be for staff and volunteers. That Young Professional you have been mentoring for a Y career can apply by December 4 for the Young Professionals Class of 2021. If you miss that deadline, simply contact the NAYDO Office as we accept applications after that date, space permitting.
A small investment can yield huge benefits. The virtual conference eliminates the cost of travel and time away from the office. You can enjoy the sessions in the comfort of your own home or office. A schedule conflict won’t interfere as you can access the recording at your convenience for a period of time after the conference dates.
REGISTER NOW! Please feel free to contact NAYDO Operations and Conference Director Mary Zoller at if you have questions on conference or your membership status. Don’t miss out on this cost-effective opportunity to increase the philanthropic support of your YMCA!
A Note About Conference Financial Assistance
All YMCAs that were awarded 2020 Conference Registration Assistance can use it if they registered by November 30. Should there be any funds not used, they will be redistributed to YMCAs on the Conference Financial Assistance Waiting List. Reply to this email to get on the waiting list by providing the YMCA Name, Contact Person and contact information, and how many individuals you would like to request assistance for. It is first come, first served if funds become available.
Thursday, December 10, 1:30 pm Central
YMCA Day of Giving: Grow Your Cause, Cash, and Constituency in 24 Hours!
Charles Myer, VP/Chief Development Officer & Foundation President, YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas
David Frederick, VP/Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas
Carrie Collins, SVP/Chief Advancement Officer, YMCA of Northwest North Carolina
This webinar will share the learnings and best practices of running a “day of giving” initiative from two highly respected YMCA Associations in Dallas and Northwest North Carolina. We’ll discuss how a YMCA Day of Giving can become a successful tool to engage members, donors, and volunteers in the Annual Campaign as well as create greater visibility for the YMCA in the community. Workshop Outcomes:
1) Learn the best practices of planning and running a YMCA Day of Giving
2) How to leverage the event to increase the number of new donors to the campaign
3) How to leverage the event to increase the number of members that give to the campaign
4) Learn about how to best utilize marketing and communications in promoting the one-day effort
How Would Our Y Look Without NAYDO? 
By Nat Auten, President & CEOYMCA of Catawba Valley, Hickory, N.C.
Think of the support our YMCAs received this year: many benefited from SBA funds; our donors stepped
up with more philanthropic gifts; members stayed with us; partners helped create stability; and, we
served ALL. After 2020, I am convinced that establishing a network and culture of giving inside the YMCA will be a cornerstone of our work ahead.
First, a story about this year. During quarantine, my wife had a chance to spend more time at home with our 4-year-old daughter Saylor and that experiment was not the vision many mothers crave. We thought days would start with making cinnamon rolls, walks around the neighborhood, and I would arrive home to see that day’s craft (an Easter bunny made of cotton balls). Reality – open cereal box, dance to YouTube songs, the constant desire for nap time, and calls to Dad to come home were commonplace. We learned Jennifer is not meant to be a stay-home mom. We now have a new appreciation of the teachers in childcare. We learned to pivot. And, we learned how valuable our support system is to us, and also the culture at home needs intentionality and planning – which is no different than the Y’s work ahead.
Without knowing it, NAYDO created the culture of giving that we needed to endure the challenges of 2020. These challenges taught us how to tell our story – with one voice. NAYDO reminded us that being in front of the top 10 funders in our community is a must, no matter the year. As a movement, NAYDO continued to bring us together because we all can acknowledge that our relationships create the trust needed for future success. We often say, “How would our community look without a Y?” I would counter, “How would our Y look without NAYDO?” I am proud of NAYDO’s work to prepare us all by focusing our efforts to build a better us. My hope is more people become engaged in NAYDO – given all the decisions we face, it is the easiest win-win on your desk.
Your 2021 Annual Campaign
Lessons Learned from the Pandemic
Annual Support campaigns are on everyone’s minds, and you’re probably raising funds right now for 2021. Our January 21 NAYDO webinar will dig into some new realities about conducting annual campaigns based on COVID-19.
NAYDO collaborated with long-time member Jim Kauffman, who interviewed over 20 U.S. CEOs and CDOs from Ys of all sizes. He found common themes that are emerging in financial development. This information might just make the difference between a successful or not-so-successful campaign in 2021.
“Many Ys had banner annual campaigns in 2020,” says Jim, “mostly because they shifted a few key components in how they raised funds.” You can capitalize on these insights as they continue to evolve.
• Most of those interviewed suspended the Teams portion of their campaigns and instead focused solely on Major Gifts.
• Most indicated staff took on a much greater role in raising funds, while volunteers were less engaged than in years past.
• Most were surprised at how many members kept their monthly bank drafts (Stay With Us campaigns) and now are developing strategies to engage these ‘member to donors’ as contributors in 2021.
• Many made immediate shifts in their campaign case, the stories they told, and the way they talked about raising funds.
• Many had unexpected calls by potential (large) donors asking, “How can I help?” This necessitated new strategies in communications, relationship building, and follow-up.
Our time together on the NAYDO webinar will explain these topics and more. You’ll discover a few shifts you can make to ensure a successful 2021 annual campaign. (January 21, 1:30 pm Central/2:30 Eastern) >> Register
As a follow-up, Jim will facilitate a panel of CEOs and CDOs at the 2021 NAYDO Conference to more deeply explain a specific strategy they employed in 2020 that made a significant difference in their annual campaign success. You won’t want to miss this panel discussion: in some cases, these changes will positively impact the way their Y raises funds for years to come.

2021 Communications Highlights
This coming April, we will recognize our 2020 Communications Awardees, and we will celebrate 40 years of great communicating with NAYDO! In honor of both, we are shaking things up with the annual NAYDO Communications Contest.
2020 is the year where every Y staff member and volunteer became a communicator. The pandemic made us do it! We will celebrate the efforts and work of all Ys this year in communicating our story with a conference compilation of our “Year in Review: Celebrating 40 Years of Communicating.”
We need your help! Did your Y do an amazing job this year communicating your need, your story, or your recovery? We want to see it. We are looking for Ys of all shapes and sizes, from camps to community centers, to full-on membership centers, and everything in between. Submit what you, or a Y you love, accomplished this year. Share website snapshots, copies of your letters, videos, photos, or anything you have to help us celebrate the effort and work of YMCAs this year in communicating our ever-evolving story.
There’s no application, just a simple submission process that is open to all!
1.Send an email to Christina Harley, NAYDO Communications Contest co-chair. Please provide: Your name and title, phone, name of your Y or the Y you want to recognize
2. Christina will send you a Dropbox link and instructions to upload
3. Upload your materials and you’re done!
All materials will be shared, and a compilation will be created for our “Year in Review: Celebrating 40 Years of Communicating” during the conference general session. Submissions can until Jan. 22, 2021.
Questions? Contact 2021 Communications Awards Chair Christina Harley, CFRE.
p.s. 2020 Communications Contest winners will be contacted about the presentation at NAYDO 2021.
Upcoming NAYDO Network Events
Mark your calendar and take advantage of the 10 NAYDO Networks, which are a membership benefit. To receive event invitations by email, add a specific network to your record. Simply reply to this email or use this link to MODIFY your record and add it yourself.
Camping Professionals - Learn more about planning for philanthropy in 2021
January 28, 12 pm Pacific/2 pm Central/3 pm Eastern >>Register
Network Sponsor: CampMinder
Grant Writers - Learn from grant writing professionals
The Grants Network is hosting the virtual Grants NAYDO Academy Philanthropy School Fundamental on Grants 101: Navigating the Grants Process from Start to Finish
February 11, 10 am-12 pm Pacific/12-2 pm Central/1-3 pm Eastern (additional $40 fee for this 2-hour workshop) >>Register
Network Sponsor: Grant Professionals Association
International - This is the kickoff event for the international network
December 14, 9 am Pacific/11 am Central/12 pm Eastern >>Register
Network Sponsor: YMCA of the USA World Service
Marketing & Communications Professionals - MarCom staff and volunteers unite
Attend the virtual MarCom NAYDO Academy Philanthropy School Fundamental on Developing and Communicating Your Case for Support (additional $40 fee for this 2-hour workshop)
February 23, 12 pm Pacific/2 pm Central/3 pm Eastern >>Register
Network Sponsor: LucidPress
Operations Staff - Get connected to other Branch EDs, Associate EDs, Centre Directors, COOs, VPs
February 16, 11 am Pacific, 1 pm Central/2 pm Eastern >>Register
Network Sponsor: Gro
Program and Membership Staff - The P&M theme for the year is Impact and Purpose Reimagined
February 26, 9 am Pacific/11 am Central/12 pm Eastern >>Register
Network Sponsor: PowerUp Fitness
Smaller Ys - Connect with others from YMCAs with budgets under $4M
January 13, 12 pm Pacific/2 pm Central/3 pm Eastern >>Register
Check out then register for the Volunteer in Philanthropy Network Feb. 18 meeting - it's designed for smaller Ys.
Network Sponsor: American City Bureau
Staff New to YMCA Development - Join others who are new to YMCA financial development
February 9, 10 am Pacific/12 pm Central/1 pm Eastern >>Register
Volunteer in Philanthropy (VIP) - Especially for Board Members and Fundraising Volunteers
See the mention of tomorrow's special webinar, open to all and hosted by the VIP Network, Ambassador Fundraising in a Virtual World.
Network Sponsor: Swagdog
Upcoming: How to Keep Your Board Engaged: A Conversation with a YMCA Board Chair. This network call is best suited for Small and Mid-Sized YMCAs and Association branches.
February 18, 1 pm Pacific/3 pm Central/4 pm Eastern >>Register
Young Professionals - This network is for staff and board members under age 40
February 10, 1 pm Pacific/3 pm Central/4 pm Eastern >>Register
Young Professionals Class of 2021 application deadline is December 4. This program is for staff ages 31 and younger. Learn more and complete the application.
For more information on Networks, contact the NAYDO Office,, or Erica Halpern, NAYDO Networks Coordinator.
New in 2021
NAYDO Academy Philanthropy School Fundamentals
Prepare for the conference and your Y responsibilities by experiencing the fundamentals. Academy Fundamentals is a virtual workshop series that will take place before and after the conference. The workshops are available to anyone affiliated with a YMCA: full-time or part-time staff, board member, or fundraising volunteer.Each fundamental is a 2-hour interactive virtual workshop, so you'll learn from the presenters and each other. If your role has changed or you need a refresher, the fundamentals are for you! Cost is $40/person/fundamental for NAYDO Association Members and Virtual Training Subscribers;$70/person/fundamental for all others. Read the full description of each fundamental and register.
Annual Support
January 26, 10 am-12 pm Pacific/12-2 pm Central/1-3 pm Eastern
Andy Powers, Vice President of Philanthropy, YMCA of Greater Rochester
Robyn Furness-Fallin, CFRE, Senior Consultant, DBD Group
Sponsor: DBD Group
Culture of Philanthropy
February 2, 10 am-12 pm Pacific/12-2 pm Central/1-3 pm Eastern
Presenter: Pam Havlick Hearn, CFRE, Chief Development Officer, YMCA of Greater Monmouth County
February 11, 10 am-12 pm Pacific/12-2 pm Central/1-3 pm Eastern
Beth Becker, Director of Grants & Foundation Relations, YMCA of the North
Erin Laumer, LMSW, YMCA of the USA
BONUS for NAYDO Members and Virtual Subscribers: Register for Grants 101 by February 1 and receive Grants Part 2 at no cost as a special 40th Anniversary NAYDO benefit. If interested, contact Kristen Obaranec BEFORE you register for Part 2.
You can register for this fundamental without taking Grants 101.
If you are a NAYDO Member or Virtual Subscriber, register for Grants 101 by February 1 and receive Grants Part 2 at no cost as a special 40th Anniversary NAYDO benefit. If interested, contact Kristen Obaranec BEFORE you register for Part 2.
February 25, 10 am-12 pm Pacific/12-2 pm Central/1-3 pm Eastern
Presenter: Beth Becker, Director of Grants & Foundation Relations, YMCA of the North
Marketing & Communications: Developing and Communicating Your Case for Support
February 23, 12-2 pm Pacific/2-4 pm Central/3-5 pm Eastern
Beth Casper, Marketing & Communications Manager, Eugene Family YMCA
Christina Harley, CFRE, Regional Manager, Development, YMCA of Southwestern Ontario
Cost is $40/person/fundamental for NAYDO Association Members and Virtual Training Subscribers; $70/person/fundamental for all others. Pay by credit card.
Each fundamental is eligible for 2 hours of CFRE certification credit. Y-USA leadership recertification credit pending.
Read the full description of each fundamental and register.
Upcoming Academy Fundamentals - May through July 2021
- Advocacy/Government Funding
- Board/Volunteer Development
- Capital/Comprehensive
- Endowment
- Major/Planned Gifts
2021 DBD Virtual Annual Giving Academy
A 12-Month Financial Development Plan
The DBD Academy provides a year-long financial development plan and toolkit focused on Major Gifts, Annual Giving, and Radical Stewardship and includes:
• Step-by-step guides
• Templates and samples
• Academy Live sessions with industry experts and inspirational content
• Learning modules
• A virtual learning community of Y colleagues to talk and share ideas and resources
• Direct access to DBD Coaches for specific questions related to the work you're doing together
Each module also helps prepare your Y for a signature activity, including:
• Y Day of Giving
• Building a successful summer fundraising effort
• Creating successful end-of-year appeals
• Gratitude Week at the Y
• Building your 2022 resource development plan
"DBD's Virtual Academy gives us step-by-step plans that can be easily implemented. Our executives are busy re-opening their branches, so it's great to have tools to make our fundraising efforts seamless and effective. The live webinar chats with supporters bring a different perspective, and that is helping us rethink how we're communicating with donors." Susan E. Walters-Klenke, Fund Development Director, YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit
NAYDO is proud to partner with DBD Group for the 2021 Academy. Thank you, DBD Group! A portion of each registration is donated to NAYDO to continue its vital support to local YMCAs.
Hours for CFRE and Y-USA Organizational Leadership recertification credit are pending.
Costs for 12-month participation are based on the size of your YMCA:
Up to 10 membership branches: $265 per month
11-15 membership branches: $365 per month
16 + membership branches: $565 per month
Learn more. Download a printable overview.
Join DBD Group for a special, year-end webinar: 2020 Lessons Learned and Moving Forward
December 16, 2 pm Central
Bruce Berglund CFRE, Robyn Furness-Fallin CFRE, and Jan Brogdon CFRE will look back on what was learned, reflect on the successes and wins, and share data and trends that will help you plan your fundraising in 2021. >> DBD Webinar Registration
Tips and Tactics
Annual Support
Here’s an article on the heightened importance of relevancy and urgency in your fundraising appeal. By Claire Axelrad on Bloomerang
Donor Loyalty
The Association of Donor Relations Professionals, ADRP, has a short video on donor loyalty and how best to improve it, based on donor retention study. It’s worth four and a half minutes of your tim
Board Development
“Now is not the time for reserve and humility. Now is the time for intentional, outright, and deliberate advocacy and asking. Board members must relay urgency and be bold and brazen enough to ask for the funds each needs to close the year successfully,” says Christal Cherry. Read her tips to accomplish this. Christal is presenting at NAYDO 2021. She is a YMCA board member and is president and executive consultant at The Board Pro, From Bloomerang.
Professional Development
In the rush to become a better leader, don’t forget to become a better manager. Here are 5 tips for being a more effective manager, from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
More Professional Development
January 15 is the next CFRE application deadline. In challenging times, invest in yourself and your fundraising know-how. Earn the only globally-recognized, accredited certification for fundraising professionals to set yourself apart. Become a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE). Becoming a CFRE demonstrates to your colleagues, donors, board, and other stakeholders your commitment to the highest standards in fundraising. You’ll set an example for your team while ensuring your fundraising is grounded in best practices. There is no cost to begin your application. Pay only when you’re ready to submit it. NAYDO members receive a 20% discount. Learn more about the CFRE initial application requirements and the value the certification will bring to your career.
Major Gifts
Amy Eisenstein, ACFRE, presented NAYDO’s October webinar. She presented 5 reasons you should be asking for donations:
1. You won’t raise money if you don’t ask.
2. Some people have MORE money now.
3. People want to help.
4. You are being negligent if you don’t ask.
5. Your YMCA needs funding.
Amy's advice?? Expect the best instead of assuming the worst. Don’t make assumptions about what your donors will/won’t and can/can’t do! You’ll find the handout of the slide deck and recording in the Member Resources section of (past webinars).
eDevelopments Disclaimer
Unless they are NAYDO members, sponsors or exhibitors, the websites, consultants and other resources cited in these articles and links are not endorsed by NAYDO. The information is provided as food for thought only!
Have an accomplishment or inspirational Y story to share? Contact Kristen Obaranec.