News and updates from North American YMCA Development Organization                                    August 2019

Message from the NAYDO Chair

The Y's Special Ingredient

Dear NAYDO Members,  

I believe our volunteers are what set us apart – and truly distinguish us – from other nonprofit organizations. Since Ys are volunteer-organized and volunteer-led, we experience the extraordinary commitment of board members, fundraisers, campaigners, and program volunteers, along with their positive impact in our communities.

Developing, recruiting, engaging, and stewarding volunteers is vital to the success of any Y. NAYDO provides guidance, training, and resources for staff who lead volunteers and for the volunteers themselves. I am so proud of the involvement of Mike Hood, just one of the outstanding YMCA of San Diego County volunteers.

A former Branch and then Corporate Board Chair here in San Diego, Mike chairs the Volunteer in Philanthropy (VIP) program, NAYDO Network, and conference activities. He works closely with another remarkable volunteer, Justin Stearns of the Gateway Region YMCA in St. Louis, who is passionate about Young VIPs – board members and volunteers under 40. Together, they are taking Board and Volunteer Development to new heights.

I encourage you to involve your board members and development volunteers in NAYDO at the 2020 Conference in Washington, D.C., or through NAYDO's year-round learning opportunities. Check some of them out in this newsletter.

And, be sure to look for Mike next April at the NAYDO Conference. You'll enjoy getting to know him, and I am sure you'll take a few of his ideas back to your Y.

Shelly McTighe-Rippengale

NAYDO Council Chair
Senior Vice President & Chief Development Officer
YMCA of San Diego County

Recruiting and Retaining Millennials as Board Members

by Justin Stearns, NAYDO VIP, Volunteer in Philanthropy

Young board members add value to the Y. They offer untapped skills and potential and cause-driven energy – and they want to be successful. Here are some tips I've learned on my own YMCA Board Member journey.


• Recruit board members and development volunteers from your current program volunteers. They are already involved and fired up about the Y.

• Serving on a board enhances your professional development skills. As a Board Chair, I practice leading others, giving presentations and much more. What’s best is that it is off the job, so it's a risk-free environment.

• Through my board involvement, I've gained access to high-level community influencers. It's a great way to establish relationships and find a professional mentor.

• Recruiting young board members requires an intentional effort with a proactive approach and plan. Use social media to connect, engage and network.

Justin is the NAYDO Young VIPs (Under 40) Chair and the Monsanto Branch Board Chair of the Gateway Region YMCA in St. Louis.

Hear Justin talk more about recruiting and retaining young professionals in his interview with Amy Eisenstein CFRE.  

2019-2020 Webinars
Check out the new webinar schedule for the next 12 months. It's a great lineup of topics and speakers.  See schedule

August 15, 1:30 p.m. Central
Why Board Members Hate Fundraising & How to Fix it
Rachel Muir, CFRE
See description and register

Thank you, Daxko, NAYDO Webinar Series sponsor.


A 1-day training on YMCA philanthropy for board members, fundraising volunteers, branch staff leadership, and frontline staff   

October 17 in Everett, Washington - Hosted by the YMCA of Snohomish County. View scheduleRegistration begins August 19

October 30 in Detroit, Michigan - Hosted by the YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit. View schedule. Registration begins August 29

More info can be found on
NAYDO Academy is underwritten in part by the NAYDO Speakers Network sponsored by YMCA of the USA Financial Development. 

Congrats to Our New NAYDO CFREs

Kristen Aquino
   YMCA of Western North Carolina
Rebecca Nelson
   YMCA of Greater Long Beach, CA
Melanie Pockaj 
   YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka, Ontario
Jennifer Willows
   YMCA of Snohomish County, WA

October 1 is CFRE application deadline

Don’t let 2019’s final CFRE application deadline pass you by. Submit your application so you can be on your way to earning the only accredited, globally-recognized certification for fundraising professionals. Start your application at no cost. View the application requirements. You only pay when you are ready to submit. NAYDO members enjoy 20% off CFRE initial certification and recertification.  

Questions? Need help getting started? Contact CFRE International at

Plan now for NAYDO 2020 near Washington, D.C.  

2020 NAYDO Conference | April 1-4

Making Philanthropy a Monumental Experience

Make your hotel reservations now
Member-only registration begins September 16. Applications will be on the website,, starting 9/16, for: 
The NAYDO Young Professionals program, for YMCA staff age 31 or younger; 
Nominate your Y for the Eagle Award or Communications Contest. Deadline: Dec. 4
Learn about NAYDO Financial Assistance for Membership or the Conference
Deadline for all is Dec. 4.