December 2022 News & Updates from North American YMCA Development Organization
Message from the NAYDO Chair
Dear NAYDO Members,
Family…friendship…wellness…community…laughter…joy…happiness…hope.As the holidays approach, we take time to appreciate the gifts in our lives. NAYDO celebrates the spirit of the season and extends its gratitude for your gifts – commitment, care, compassion, time, and talent.
Thank you for sharing your blessings with your YMCA and for making its mission possible in the lives of children, teens, families, and older adults. In the coming year, may you find peace, love, and renewed enthusiasm – in our homes, in our Ys, and in our communities.
Wishing you every happiness this holiday season and throughout 2023,
Zane Korytko
Chief Executive Officer | Directeur General
YMCA of Greater Moncton| YMCA du Grand Moncton
P.S. So your Y colleagues can be aware of NAYDO networks, webinars, conference, and more, forward this newsletter to staff and volunteers. Invite them to sign up for NAYDO news. A name and email are all that’s needed to get started. You can register for the conference at the same time! There is no limit to the number of staff and volunteers who can get engaged.
Held at 1:30-2:30 pm Central
David Frederick, Executive VP, Chief Strategy & Brand Officer, YMCA of San Diego County
Carrie Collins, Senior VP, Chief Advancement Officer, YMCA of Northwest North Carolina
Charlie Myer, YMCA Consultant/Retired YMCA Professional
Plan now for YMCA Day of Giving on March 7, 2023. In 2022, 68 YMCA associations joined in this initiative with 56% reporting over $738K total raised through 4,600+ donors ... including over 1,200 new donors collectively. This webinar will share the learnings and best practices of running a YMCA Day of Giving. We’ll discuss how a YMCA Day of Giving can become a successful tool to engage members, donors and volunteers in the Annual Campaign and create greater visibility for your YMCA in the community. We will provide summary results, reporting and testimonials from YMCAs that participated.
You will learn how to leverage this one-day event to:
-A greater understanding of the impact of YMCA Day of Giving
-Learn ways to increase the number of new donors and members who give to your annual campaign
-Access to tools, resources and information for Ys to hold their own giving event
-Access to a network of participating Ys to use as a resource
>> Register now!
These webinars are held in partnership with Y-USA Government Relations and Policy and are open to all YMCA staff and volunteers.
December 6, 12 pm Central / 1 pm Eastern
Employee Retention Tax Credit
Webinar Host: Joel Larson, Director, State Advocacy, Y-USA Government Relations and Policy
Presenter: David Cepek, CPA, YMCA of Central Ohio Board Member
The Employee Retention Credit is a significant, unrestricted payroll tax refund worth up to $26,000 per eligible employee. Join YMCA of Central Ohio board member David Cepek, CPA, to learn more about this tax credit and see if your Y is eligible. Be sure to invite your CFO/finance staff to attend this webinar!
>> Register
December 13, 1:30 pm Central / 2:30 pm Eastern
Accessing Federal Funding
Presented by Y-USA Government Relations and Policy
Webinar Host: Kelly Kennai Grunig, Senior Director, Communications & Advocacy Engagement
Katie Adamson, Vice President, Health Partnerships and Policy
Elena Rocha, Senior Director, Youth Development Partnerships and Policy
Sam Chasin, Senior Manager, Youth Development Partnerships and Policy
This session will review the top federal grant programs and agencies that award funding to YMCAs, take a deep dive into specific grant opportunities, and walk through the process to request Community Project Funds (earmarks). Participants will learn about emerging funding opportunities, how to prepare for federal grant opportunities, and how to improve your chances of receiving federal funding.
>> Register
January 19, 2023
Fundraising for Introverts
Presenter: Brian Saber, Asking Matters
In a world that has always prized extroverts, introverts are starting to get their due. Susan Cain’s “Quiet” was a revelation, and other books have followed.
Brian Saber, President of Asking Matters, has been talking about the power of introverts in fundraising for more than a decade. Through his iconic Asking Styles, Brian has helped us in the nonprofit world see how valuable introverts are every step of the way, in particular with individual donor work.
On the cusp of releasing his fourth book, “Fundraising for Introverts,” Brian joins us to share what introversion is – and isn’t – why introverts have great skills that are critically important in our work, and some key ways to support introverts so they can make their biggest impact.
>> Register
February 16
The Future of Fundraising and Why Change is Critical
Lisa Greer, Author, Philanthropist & Nonprofit Advisor
March 16
Chaos to Clarity
Damon Colaluca, Colaluca & Associates
Details and registration available January 2023
By: Erica Halpern, Networks Manager
You can register for and participate in as many networks as you want. Here is what's on the calendar this month:
Volunteers In Philanthropy Network -VIPs (Board Members and Fundraising Volunteers)
Wednesday, December 7, 1-2 pm Central Time
What Gets in the Way? Conflicts That Impede Board Fundraising
Speakers: Kellie Wardman, Senior Consultant, and Jason Fry, Senior Vice President, DBD Group
YMCA boards understand that part of their role is to ensure their organization is adequately resourced. This means raising funds to support the mission. Many board members struggle with this responsibility. What are the behaviors and competing commitments that get in the way? Participants will learn how to:
1. Uncover the hidden assumptions your board and organization hold about fund development
2. Work with proven tools to identify people’s worries and fears about this work that block progress
3. Learn strategies to engage board members in thoughtful dialogues that create real change
4. Support individual volunteers and the board as a whole to work together to advance your mission.
>> Register
VIP Network Sponsor: American City Bureau
Staff New to Y Development Network
Thursday, December 8, 11 am-12 pm Central Time
A View of YMCA Fundraising
Speakers: Pam Havlick Hearn, CFRE, Chief Development Officer, YMCA of Greater Monmouth County, and Darlene Hepburn, VP Fund Development, YMCA of Greater Vancouver
Don't miss out on this Staff New to Y Development Network event! Join experienced YMCA fundraisers, Pam Hearn and Darlene Hepburn, to get a North American view of fundraising at the YMCA. No matter if you are a new fundraiser to the Y or a long time Y staff member who now has development responsibilities - you will gain insightful tips to be successful in your role and meet like colleagues across many different sized Y associations. In addition, this session will explore a culture of philanthropy and how it's lagging due to the impact that the pandemic has had on the Y. Join the conversation to learn about tools that you can implement to help navigate this new environment. Come ready with your questions!
>> Register
Sponsor: gro>
Marketing and Communications Network
Thursday, December 8, 2022, 1-2:30 pm Central Time
At 1 pm, the NAYDO MarCom Network will host a 30-minute meet-and-greet. Get to know your Network Leaders, hear from Network Sponsor Radar Promotions and meet other MarCom Network Members. The meet-and-greet leads into the monthly webinar YMCA Day of Giving: An Effective Strategy for Fundraising and Communications, 1:30-2:30 pm Central.
>> Register One registration for network and webinar
MarCom Network Sponsor: Radar Promotions
Young Professionals Class of 2023
The Young Professionals Program offers NAYDO Members who are YMCA staff (part or full time) between age 21-31 (by August 31, 2023) a unique and exceptional conference experience focused on networking, professional development and mentoring. NAYDO Young Professionals will set personal goals and outcomes for their time at the conference, connect with peers and mentors from around the world, increase capacity to deliver on philanthropic goals at their Y and deepen their understanding of and commitment to a culture of philanthropy.
Supervisors of young professionals: This is a unique opportunity to invest in young staff members to advance the culture of philanthropy through a new generation of professionals.
Download then print the Young Professsionals Class of 2023 application
Class Coordinator: Courtney Cordero (YPP Alumni), YMCA of San Diego County
Alumni Coordinator: Abby Waeiss, YPP Alumni, YMCA of Greater Indianapolis
Excellence in Fundraising: NAYDO Eagle Awards
NAYDO Eagle Awards are presented to YMCA Associations that show a commitment to fundraising’s best practices and have demonstrated success in annual, capital, and endowment efforts. Previous Eagle winners judge nominees among similar size Ys. Associations of all sizes are encouraged to apply. NAYDO Association Member YMCAs that have never won or who won the Eagle Award prior to 2019 are eligible to apply.
Nomination form and criteria Questions? Contact Eagle Awards Chair Shelly McTighe-Rippengale
Communications Awards
The 2023 categories are:
Strategic Communications Excellence (four different categories/awards)
NAYDO Strategic Communications Excellence Awards recognize exemplary YMCAs that have developed a multi-faceted communications campaign designed to inform, educate or persuade specific audiences about the Y's cause, impact or an initiative. Awards will be given to small, mid-size and large Ys in these categories of communications excellence:
- Best Overall Campaign Excellence Award
- Communications Champion for Inclusion Award
- Philanthropic Communications Champion Award
- Small Budget Star Award
Cause Communicator of the Year (one award)
This award recognizes efforts by a YMCA leader to inform, educate and engage his or her team, volunteers, donors and/or community. This person clearly articulates a vision that inspires and motivates others to positive action.
Criteria and application forms Questions? Contact Communications Awards Chair Christina Harley, CFRE.
Conference Financial Assistance Reminder
Register for the 2023 conference and select the $50 Financial Assistance Application Rate. Complete and submit the online financial assistance application by Dec. 6. BOTH STEPS MUST BE COMPLETED TO QUALIFY FOR ASSISTANCE. Applicants will be notified in early January.
December 6 Registration Deadline
Registration rates for NAYDO Members increase on December 7. You can reserve spaces when you don't know the names by contacting the NAYDO Office and requesting codes for a specific number of spaces but must provide actual names by January 31, 2023.
Download the Conference Brochure and REGISTER TODAY! On page 2, you'll find the Quick Links for all the December 6 deadlines: registration form, financial assistance application form, Eagle Award nomination form, Communication Contest entry forms, and the Young Professionals Class Application Form (for staff under age 32 as of August 31, 2023).
Hotel Update
Remember the latest hotel information can be found on the website. Reserve rooms now at the Cambria Hotel Downtown Houston Convention Center, located 4 short blocks from Marriott Marquis at 1314 Texas Street, Houston, TX 77002. NAYDO Room Rate (single or double): $229 plus tax.
Conference Financial Assistance
Register for the 2023 conference and select the $50 Financial Assistance Application Rate. Complete and submit the online financial assistance application by Dec. 6. BOTH STEPS MUST BE COMPLETED TO QUALIFY FOR ASSISTANCE. Applicants will be notified in early January.
NAYDO speaker Brian Saber says fundraising is the hardest work you ask of your board members. If they’re not fully committed and engaged … and they don’t feel they have a strong stake in your Y … they aren’t going to fundraise. His book “Engaged Boards Will Fundraise: How Good Governance Inspires Them!” is a relevant read for you and your executive committee members. Brian and co-author Michael Davidson help you understand how good governance is a means to inspire your board to fundraise. Listen to Brian’s top 3 tips on how to improve your board's governance and fundraising: 1. Hold better board meetings; 2. Develop an up-to-date board member job description; 3. Provide fundraising training for board members.
CFRE certification is a smart step forward in your fundraising practice and career. CFREs report greater on-the-job confidence and recognition from peers. One of your NAYDO membership perks is 20% off the cost of Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) initial certification and recertification. NAYDO members receive a special $700 initial certification rate ... that’s $175 off the regular rate of $875.
When completing your CFRE application, look for the list of Participating Organizations. Simply check the box beside NAYDO and you’re set. Your NAYDO membership must remain active through your CFRE exam date.
Don’t forget that participating in NAYDO’s development trainings and conferences earns you CFRE Education points. Plus, CFRE International will be on-hand at the Houston Conference in 2023 to answer your questions in-person. Start your CFRE application today.
Take the pain out of your ask - November webinar recording Jon Simons, DBD Group
Will year-end giving be down in 2022? Wall Street Journal
Get to know Gen X
What donors need to hear to give Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
eDevelopments Disclaimer Unless they are NAYDO members, sponsors or exhibitors, the websites, consultants, and other resources cited in these articles and links are not endorsed by NAYDO. The information is provided as food for thought only!