April 2022 News & Updates from North American YMCA Development Organization
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Message from the NAYDO Chair
Dear Friends,
Gathering together―in person!― and receiving much-needed social connections, education, ideas, and a welcome change of scenery and climate defined the NAYDO 2022 Conference for me. Thank you to the 1,400 attendees, sponsors and exhibitors, presenters, and volunteers who worked hard to create an amazing week in Tampa. I am so proud of what was accomplished!
Topping the list of accomplishments was raising $30,000 in a 24-hour appeal for residents in and refugees from Ukraine. YMCA of the USA World Service assisted with the appeal, and we appreciate everyone’s efforts in this cause. My relatives came to Canada from Ukraine, so I have deep appreciation personally as well as professionally.
Other highlights included:
- Active conference participation and closing remarks by Suzanne McCormick, Y-USA president and CEO
- The commitment to NAYDO by the Philanthropy Alliance, represented at the conference by the leaders from Y Canada, Y-USA, and the Latin America and Caribbean Alliance of YMCAs/International
- Insights and learnings from workshop presenters, networks, philanthropy forums, and Hot Topics
- Philanthropy Live! service projects, mission impact tours, and the warm hospitality of the Host Y staff and volunteers
- More than 150 committee members worked in advance to plan the conference. On site, one in three attendees volunteered to make sure attendees were informed and where they needed to be, and 100+ staff from the Tampa Metropolitan Area Y and neighboring Ys volunteered their time.
Don't forget there is even more to NAYDO than the annual conference. There are year-round webinars, network events, and other activities, so watch for what is coming up in May and over the summer. Even better, get involved by joining the committee or taking on a leadership role.
In Y service,
Zane Korytko
NAYDO Council Chair
Chief Executive Officer | Directeur General
YMCA of Greater Moncton| YMCA du Grand Moncton
Thursday, May 19, 1:30 p.m. Central / 2:30 p.m. Eastern
Creating a Culture of Philanthropy at Every Level of Camp/Y Program
Presenter: Gretchen Hyde, Vice President of Financial Development, YMCA of the Triangle Area
Creating a culture of philanthropy at every level is critical to successful fundraising at camps and in every Y program. This culture of philanthropy includes intentionally educating and engaging campers/program participants; full-time, part-time and summer staff; young alumni, parents, and older alumni. Whether you have the capacity to start one initiative or do more, small efforts can collectively begin to create a culture and community who understands the need and sees their role in making an impact. Attendees will learn how to:
1. Understand the importance of and how to create a culture of philanthropy at camps and in Y programs to ultimately grow support
2. Learn ways to educate and engage constituents of various ages and roles
3. Take away specific examples and tools to implement at your camps and Y programs
>> Register
Upcoming Monthly Webinars
June 16, 1:30 p.m. Central / 2:30 p.m. Eastern
Am I Making the Right Decision? The Role of Professional Ethics in Volunteer Engagement
Presenter: Faiza Venzant, CVA - Executive Director, Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration
We all face sticky situations involving volunteers where “the right thing to do” is not obvious. This session will provide participants with an overview of ethical core values and principles which apply to volunteer engagement. We’ll also review a decision-making process for navigating real-life ethical dilemmas on the job, as well as tips on how to incorporate ethics into the fabric of your organization. Content is based on the Professional Ethics in Volunteer Management material developed by the Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration (CCVA).
>> Register
July 21, 1:30 pm Central / 2:30 pm Eastern
Meet Today’s Donors: How the Pandemic Changed Giving Expectations
Presenters: Kelly Velazquez-Hague, Vice President of Marketing, and Karrie Wozniak, Chief Marketing Officer, OneCause
Is your cause ready for the future? The need for “frictionless” philanthropy is here. Donors expect and want simple, on demand, and choose your own adventure giving. From fundraising events to online campaigns, generosity joins forces with easy-to-use technology to create flexible options for your supporters. Today’s consumers want ease, immediacy, and self-curated experiences.
>> Register
SPECIAL WEBINARS IN MAY: The Conference Hotel Fire Alarm Series
It wasn't good for conference attendees, but it is great news for NAYDO members who were unable to travel to Tampa. A hotel fire alarm (fortunately there was no fire) interrupted four workshops. The presenters generously agreed to offer them as webinars, making them available to all NAYDO Members. Please take advantage of this opportunity and register today.
May 5 @ 1 pm Central Time
NAYDO Conference Track: Board/Volunteer Development
Staff/Volunteer Synergy - Making the Partnership Work for Your Y
Presenters: Shelly McTighe-Rippengale and Michael Hood (VIP), YMCA of San Diego County
YMCAs are most successful when staff and board are aligned and roles are clearly defined to maximize positive outcomes. Hear tips for success from YMCA of San Diego County dynamic duo - Board Member Mike Hood and SVP/Chief Mission Advancement Officer Shelly McTighe-Rippengale, who have been working together to benefit their Y for more than 25 years. Attendees will learn how to clarify board/staff roles in fundraising, improve communication, and understand the unique power of volunteers.
>> Register
May 10 @ 2 pm Central
NAYDO Conference Track: Annual Support
Grow Your Monthly Giving Program from Good to Great
Presenter: Erica Waasdorp, A Direct Solution
Grow Your Monthly Giving Program from Good to Great is for those NAYDO members with an active monthly donor program, even if it’s still small. It is focused on bringing monthly donors to higher levels and obtaining additional, and larger, gifts. It also addresses ways to keep those monthly donors whose credit card expires or declines. Attendees receive a monthly donor retention tracker, a monthly donor campaign planner including conversion, extra gift and upgrade opportunities, and a complete monthly donor engagement, retention and upgrade tool kit with customizable templates you can start using at your YMCA right away! Participants will learn how to utilize the tool kit provided to upgrade monthly donors to higher levels; engage those mighty monthly donors during their lifetime; ask for extra gifts - how and when; eeep your monthly donors who give by credit/debit card and may stop giving; and convert credit card monthly donors to EFT/ACH/automatic bank withdrawal.
>> Register
May 12 @ 12 pm Central
NAYDO Conference Track: Capital Track
7 Steps to Planning a Successful Capital (or Comprehensive) Campaign
Presenter: Amy Eisenstein, ACFRE, Capital Campaign Toolkit
If there is a capital (or comprehensive) campaign in your future, this webinar is for you! A capital campaign is likely the largest amount your YMCA has ever tried to raise … often even 10 times more than you currently raise. Don’t leave the success of your campaign up to chance. Join Amy Eisenstein, CEO of the Capital Campaign Toolkit, to learn how to prepare for a campaign and create a campaign plan. You also will learn how to engage your leadership level donors to ensure the success of your campaign. Attendees will learn how to develop an accurate timeline and phases for a campaign, prepare a gift range chart to help plan a successful campaign, and identify and engage lead donors for your campaign.
>> Register
May 12 @ 2 pm Central
NAYDO Conference Track: Major & Planned Gifts
Latest Trends in Endowment Development & Planned Giving
Presenter: Robyn Furness-Fallin, CFRE, DBD Group/YMCA Alumni
As our national demographics and financial landscape continue to change, savvy donors – and organizations – are finding new ways to engage in legacy giving and giving for long-term impact. From DAFs to dedicated fund strategies, giving in increments to windfalls, and donors who think of legacy in their lifetimes vs those who think of it as something beyond their lifetimes, we’ll explore ways for your YMCA to engage all types of donors in meaningful conversations that help the donor realize their dreams even as you get to fulfill yours. Attendees will learn how to deepen understanding of latest planned giving trends; learn how to use your own member and donor data to strategically engage with the “intergenerational transfer of wealth"; uncover clues in a donor's current giving that tell you how you might best approach a legacy giving conversation; identify named fund do's and dont's.
>> Register
2022 Eagle Awards for Excellence in Fundraising
Recognizes Ys by budget size for outstanding achievement in philanthropy. Nominees are evaluated on 12 criteria over five years of philanthropic efforts to evaluate their long-term success and growth.Watch the videos about the 2022 Award Recipients!
Budget $2-10 million - YMCA of Catawba Valley
Budget $25 million & above - YMCA of Greater Houston
YMCA of Catawba Valley, left, and YMCA of Greater Houston

2022 Communications Contest Awards
Recognizes one Y in each budget category for developing the best overall strategic campaign in its class
Budget <$4 million - Alliance of New York State YMCAs
Budget $26-50 million - Tampa Metropolitan Area YMCA
Recognizes YMCAs that have developed a multi-faceted communications campaign while spending $5,000 or less on their campaign
Oneonta Family YMCA
Recognizes a Y that has demonstrated its commitment to welcoming and serving all people within a philanthropic campaign.
YMCA of Greater Richmond
Recognizes YMCAs for a clear and creative strategic approach to the development of communications fundraising campaign and tools.
YMCA of the Okobojis
Recognizes a Y that is generously working with a smaller Y to provide resources and counsel to enhance and elevate philanthropic efforts.
YMCA of Metropolitan Atlanta

Keynote Simon T. Bailey- Commit to connect with donors and members. We care. They matter.
- The job of a leader today is to invite people on a journey to discover the leader in themselves while they are following you.
- How can you tell the Y story better? Through creativity, adaptability, collaboration, persuasion, emotional intelligence.
- Trust the Y brand! Ys care, share and love. We lean into what is happening in the community.
- Find your intellectual humility. You don't need all the answers. You just need to find and connect with those who do.
YMCA of the USA President & CEO Suzanne McCormick

- Philanthropy connects us to something bigger than our Ys.
- While at the NAYDO Conference, I am seeing what is possible for Ys.
- Our superpowers are connecting to people with meaning and purpose and offering a place to belong.
- There is much potential for Ys to grow and elevate their efforts. We have so much energy and enthusiasm. We need to continue to elevate and differentiate our brand.
- Ys are trusted partners and often the connecting point for top leaders in a community. Staff and volunteers are change agents.
- Shae Wilson-Gregg, CEO of the Athens YMCA in Georgia, told me, 'The Y is where the magic happens in communities.' Shae is so right! I love sharing her quote and seeing the magic happen in person.
NAYDO 2023 in Houston
Call for Presentations Deadline May 20
Interested in presenting a workshop at next year's conference? Complete this application by May 20. Please send your questions to NAYDO 2023 Educational Track Chair Stephanie Mills at the YMCA of Southern Arizona.
Hotel Reservations Open Now
93% of NAYDO 2022 attendees rated the conference excellent or outstanding, so do you really want to miss next year's NAYDO at the Marriott Marquis Houston on April 11-14? Here is the promo piece conference attendees received that includes the cost of registration, so you can budget now to attend. It also includes the hotel reservation link. Believe it or not, 20% of our room block is already sold out. It is not too soon to book your hotel rooms for next year.
Conference registration will not open until September 26, but the planning committee is forming now. If you would like to volunteer, now is the time to email To learn more about serving on the conference committee, contact Mary Zoller at 504 464 7845.

Congratulations to Jon Dearolf, VP of Development and Community Engagement, YMCA of Wichita Falls, and Alison Hansen, Chief Advancement Officer, YMCA of Greater Cincinnati, on earning CFRE certification!
Considering CFRE? A Personal Perspective
Mary Kay Polston became a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) in 2016. As a Y professional, she has a sightline into the benefits of earning this globally-recognized, accredited certification for fundraising professionals. Currently, Mark Kay serves as Director of Member Advancement with the Alliance of New York State YMCAs. Read on to learn more about her journey and advice.
How long have you been with the YMCA, and what is your favorite aspect of your work?
I started working for the Y right out of college, and while my first position was as an administrative assistant to the CEO and COO of a multi-branch YMCA, I had the opportunity to support the Y’s annual campaign. That gave me the opportunity to work with board members and volunteer campaigners while learning about donor-centered fundraising practices. From there, I’ve held positions within the Y and the Muscular Dystrophy Association. I have been lucky to have great mentors and supporters along the way.
My favorite aspect of the work is supporting and coaching groups of volunteers and staff to work together more successfully to provide transformational experiences for the people and communities they serve.
Can you describe your best day ever as a fundraising professional?
It’s always great to close a gift, but the best days involve showing a donor what their support helped to create—a child learning to swim, kids and teens making friends at summer camp, or seniors staying healthy and connected in a Y program. As fundraisers, we sometimes are so focused on numbers and goals that we forget our donors really want to make a difference, and it’s a privilege that we get to help them accomplish that goal.
What led you to pursue CFRE certification?
I was more than 20 years into my career when I decided to pursue my CFRE. At the time, I was working at the Y’s national office on the capacity-building side of our financial development team. I felt the CFRE would enable me to learn and expand my fundraising knowledge beyond what I had learned and implemented to that point in my Y career, which was mostly annual campaign and major gifts.
Why it is important for fundraising professionals to hold an industry-recognized certification?
CFRE certification provides credibility in the nonprofit field, especially since I serve in a consulting capacity. It provides a well-rounded assessment of fundraising skills and helps to identify areas for improvement.
Many people feel nervous to sit for the CFRE exam. How did you approach studying? Which study method or tool did you find to be most useful?
I recommend the book “Achieving Excellence in Fundraising,” and following the testing outline CFRE International provides. The exam evaluates practical and situational knowledge, so it’s important to remember that as you study. It’s less about facts and statistics, and more focused on, “What would you do in this situation?” Much of it is common sense and assesses your experiential knowledge.
How has certification benefitted you?
Because the Y is so annual campaign-focused, obtaining my CFRE helped me to identify some areas I needed to strengthen, planned giving for example. I have made a conscious effort to seek out learning opportunities in those areas. I also believe having my CFRE provides a level of credibility as a nonprofit volunteer/board member and a consultant.
Final thoughts?
Nonprofit professionals should consider pursuing CFRE certification, whether fundraising is their primary responsibility or not. Running a nonprofit organization today is more complex than ever and having a well-rounded understanding of all areas of operation – including philanthropy – is essential.
Remember: NAYDO members enjoy a 20% discount off the cost of CFRE initial certification.
Operations & Philanthropy
5 lessons from sports: Specialists and underdogs can be indispensable in the office – just as they are on the field or court. Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University
5 Ways to Retain Key Staff Joan Garry
Hiring Workers 60 & Older Wall Street Journal
Financial Development
30% of new donors give their first gift in November or December. Year-end donors and the Giving Season AFP/Fundraising Effectiveness Project
8 Nonprofit Trends You Need to Know Nonprofit Pro
Donor Relations Survey Results Lynne Wester/Donor Relations Guru Group
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eDevelopments Disclaimer
Unless they are NAYDO members, sponsors or exhibitors, the websites, consultants, and other resources cited in these articles and links are not endorsed by NAYDO. The information is provided as food for thought only!
Have an accomplishment or inspirational Y story to share? Contact Kristen Obaranec.